International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

1  平成27年度4月IBDP

  2016 April IBDP Implementation of the
  International Baccalaureate Diploma Program


 Sendai Ikuei Gakuen is the first high school in the Tohoku area to implement the IBDP; incorporating it into the Foreign Language Course. The IB is an internationally recognized high level educational program implemented in almost 4600 schools worldwide.
 A graduation qualification from an IB program, enables students to enter universities all over the world. In Japan the government is promoting the IBDP as national policy, enabling students in possession of an IB Diploma to enter Japanese national and private universities; with a view to more and more universities adopting IB entrance examination procedures.
 Sendai Ikuei Gakuen has joined the IB World School network; and as a member of this group, both staff and students are able to connect and collaborate with IB schools all over the world.


2 グローバルシチズン(世界市民)として
  Adopting the skills to traverse the 21st century
  as a ‘Global Citizen’

 IBDPは高等学校第2,3学年で実施する2年間のプログラムです。複数の言語でコミュニケーションする能力(multi lingualism)、コンピュータ等の先端技術を駆使する能力(ICT skills)、探求・分析・統合する能力(higher order cognitive skills)、発表したり、論文を書いたりする能力(public speaking skills)等を身につけることができます。

探求する人 知識のある人 考える人
コミュニケーションできる人 正義感のある人
心をひらく人 思いやりのある人 挑戦する人
バランスのとれた人 振り返りのできる人

 The IBDP is a 2 year program undertaken in the second and third years of senior high school. Throughout the course, students have the opportunity to develop skills incorporating multilingualism, information and communications technology, higher order cognitive skills and public speaking skills.
 It is difficult to predict what the 21st century will be like but with the above skills students will be equipped to survive chaotic times.
 The leaner profile is at the heart of the IBDP. Our aim is to instill in the students the characteristics of the learner profile, equipping them with an international perspective, a complete education and the skills to become well rounded global citizens capable of leadership.
 We aim to develop students who are able to communicate in multiple languages, are open to new ideas, are knowledgeable and inquiring, are not afraid to take on new challenges, are capable of reflection, are balanced and understanding of the importance of justice; and are capable of thinking of others.

The IB Learner Profile
Inquirers   Knowledgeable Thinkers
Communicators Principled
Open-minded Caring  Risk-takers
Balanced Reflective

3 デュアル・ランゲージ ディプロマプログラム
  Dual Language Program

 仙台育英学園はデュアル・ランゲージでIBDPを行います。IBDPは6つの科目とコア科目から成り立っています。English A、Bと美術以外は日本語で授業を行います。日本語の科目は2年目の11月の卒業試験も日本語で受験することができます。母国語が英語の生徒には英語による授業も開講しています。

 Sendai Ikuei Gakuen offers the IBDP as a dual language program. The IBDP course is made up of 6 subjects in conjunction with the core subjects. Subjects other than English A, English B and Art are conducted in Japanese. 2nd year November exams for subjects undertaken in Japanese are also taken in Japanese. For native English speakers, subjects are also offered in English.
For more information



4 IBDP準備授業(イマージョン授業等)
  Preparation for the IBDP (Immersion classes)


 The first year of the Foreign Language Course is configured as a preparatory period for possible entry into the IBDP. In order to enhance English ability, apart from the English language lessons (approximately 7 ); other subject lessons such as “Science and Human Lifestyles” and Art are conducted by native English speaking teachers in English (immersion classes). Students also learn the necessary IBDP skills such as inquiry and presentation, and become adept at utilizing information and communications technology.



5 IBDPの志願について 
   Aspiring to the IBDP 


 In November of the first year of senior high school studies, students decide whether they wish to continue studying through the Foreign Language Course, or whether they wish to undertake the IBDP. Students wishing to undertake the IBDP from second year submit an IBDP application form. Students from other Sendai Ikuei Gakuen courses also have the option of undertaking the IBDP course. In this situation students transfer from their current course to the Foreign Language Course.


  Changes in deviation values of IBDP students

*IB教育を実施中の仙台育英学園高等学校 外国語コース受講生徒の結果より
 Taken from results of students of the Foreign Language Course and Sendai Ikuei Gakuen IB implementation.