International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme


1 IBと仙台育英学園
   The IB and Sendai Ikuei Gakuen


(注)IBDPは本来英語だけで学ぶ教育プログラムですが、日本で普及させるために一部科目を日本語で教授することが認められました。本校ではEnglish A, Bと美術以外の教科目を日本語で受講できます。

  From April of 2015, Sendai Ikuei Gakuen became the first school in the Tohoku region to introduce the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme; in its Foreign Language Course as a ‘Dual language programme’. As of April 2016, the 2nd cohort IB students have started their IBDP studies in a very modern open style learning environment; the 1st cohort students are working toward their final exams to be held in November this year.
 One of the ideals of the IB education is ‘International Mindedness’, which aligns well with the educational policies of Sendai Ikuei Gakuen. The first principal of Sendai Ikuei Gakuen, Rikichi Katoh, when founding Sendai Ikuei Gakuen’s preceding institution – Ikuei Scholarship School, thought “We need to make a world without war. In order to do that, we should not hope for the prosperity of one nation, but instead cast our eyes more globally, to raise citizens who can understand and act on the global stage” (* taken from the biography of founding principal Rikichi Katoh). Since then, raising global citizens has been one of the educational policies of the school. Sendai Ikuei Gakuen has over 100 sister schools worldwide, accepting many exchanges students and also sending many Ikuei students on exchanges.The IB also shares many of the school’s founding principles and principle of life.

Note: The IBDP programme, by nature, is usually undertaken in English, but in order for the programme to be more widely implemented throughout Japan, the teaching of some subjects in Japanese was authorized. At Sendai Ikuei subjects other than English A, English B and Art are taught in Japanese.

2 協働作業


 The IB places great importance on collaboration between teachers and learners. The programme itself is comprised of subjects from the 6 subject groups and the core subjects (TOK, CAS, EE). The core subjects cross subject boundary lines and each subject teacher plans their lessons including connections to the core subjects. It is necessary to develop a curriculum which incorporates the IB mission, the learner profile, and the spirit of TOK, CAS and the EE over the whole programme, across subject boundaries. It is inevitable that discussion and collaboration between teachers, irrespective of subject boundaries, is necessary in the planning, implementation and reflection stages of lesson development. IB staff collaborative planning meetings are held weekly. The IB verification team, tasked with assessing the school’s IB programme, noted that the successful implementation was largely due to the extensive collaborative planning conducted by subject teachers.

3 学習者中心の授業 
   Learner centered lessons


 Another important characteristic of IB programme classes is that they are learner centered. Lessons are not conducted in a lecture format but instead students are required to think, research and present. During lessons, student work is conducted independently, in groups, and also as a whole class. Teachers need to plan lessons which are different from conventional lecture format; and as a result, a large amount of time is devoted to ‘Active Learning’ meetings amongst teaching staff. For Japanese teachers, the change from regular lesson to IB style lessons is almost a ‘Copernican revolution’; and requires quite a period of adjustment, with assistance from native speaking teachers.

4 形成的評価
   Formative Assessment


 Assessment is also major issue. IB testing is comprised of internal assessment and external assessment. External assessment is conducted by the IB, and internal assessment is conducted by subject teachers at the school, and moderated by the IB. In addition, formative assessment is also employed. While this formative assessment isn’t reflected in the students’ grades, it is used to provide feedback on teaching methods, and to assess students understanding and attitude to learning. There are a number of methods of assessment employed in this formative assessment. As with the unfamiliar ‘learner centered’ lessons; this way of thinking is also new to the Japanese subject teachers, so with the continuing implementation of the programme, all of the IB subject teachers are required to continuously participate in professional development.

5 課題と可能性
   Issues and possibilities


 Sendai Ikuei Gakuen is the first school in the Tohoku, Hokkaido area to be accredited to implement the IB programme, and currently the 2nd cohort is undertaking their studies.
  Sendai Ikuei Gakuen’s dual language IB programme (IBDP) began on a small scale. One characteristic of the 2nd cohort is that all 16 students have chosen to do the full programme, and half of those students are foreign exchange students. With a mix of nationalities almost not seen anywhere else in Japan; including large numbers of students from China, Korea, Indonesia and Uganda; Ikuei plans to keep the IB programme available to all foreign exchanges students. With the implementation of the MYP programme at Shukoh Middle School, Sendai Ikuei Gakuen’s Diploma Programme opens up new possibilities, such as implementing high level science subjects, a wider range of subject choices, and also offer more subjects currently taught in Japanese, also in English. We hope to continue to develop more options within the Diploma Programme. We are also developing ideas on how to incorporate the DP into the high school entrance exams, and into the 1st year curriculum. We plan to continue offering English immersion classes. Currently trial lessons are offered to students contemplating undertaking the DP programme; furthermore, we are considering more efficient ways to transition students into the diploma programme from 2nd year. There are still a number of issues under consideration but we are working to connect the implementation of the IBDP programme to the development of the Foreign Language Course.