FLC English Speech Contest 2008
Contestant: M.Chida
What I think the most important
 I think that friends are the most important thing in my life. Friends are indispensable for me because we can understand each other by encouraging and finding pleasure in each other's lives.

 When I was very small, attending the kindergarten, I recognized the importance of friends for the first time. Although I had many good friends at the kindergarten, I remember having really a good time with the friends in my neighborhood. I really enjoyed playing with them every day without getting bored. The more we played, the more we could understand each other such as our good points, weak point and habits. We also came to take better care of each other and respect us each other. I thought it was a very good thing.

 I still get along well with them and I am very happy that I have such good friends. As I grew, I came to have more and more friends. Every time I make friends with someone, I remember my childhood and try to understand their good points, weak points , habits and their feelings. The more I understand them, the closer our relationship becomes. This is how I get along with my friends. If my friends get angry at me, it means that I haven't understood them well. Now I have many friends and I would like to have more friends from now on.

 By having good friends, we can be encouraged, help each other and won't feel lonely. Friends are treasures which can't be bought with money. I think that hurting the feelings of friends by bullying them means robbing them of their happiness. We should think it important to be open-minded and take better care of our friends.

 I would like to continue to have a good relationship with my friends so that we can support and understand each other. What I think the most important in my life is my dear friends. I would like to say thank you so much to them all.