FLC English Speech Contest 2008
Contestant: A.Kawakuma
 Smile makes People happy. The world is filled with many kinds 0f smiles.

 Of course, the smiles are not only of humans but also 0f flowers and plants. Since there are so many smiles around us, we can lead comfortable lives.

 It was not until I started cheerleading that I leaned the pleasure of giving smiles to people. It was because I was fascinated and cheered up by shining smiles that I made a start on cheerleading.

 We live for someone's smile, and the origin of power is someone's smile. I think smile is a form of communication in our lives. When we come in contact with strangers or foreigners, the most useful thing is smile. Even if we can't understand each other, something will start from smile.

 When I went to America for the first time, I couldn't communicate well because of my poor English. I couldn't understand what the person wanted to say. On the contrary, I couldn't express my feelings well. But smile helped me in any situations any number of times.

 I realized it's important not only to speak correctly but to express our feelings. If you feel sad, someone's smile will encourage you. If you get angry, someone's smile will soothe you. If you smile, someone will smile back. There is much sad news around the world. So I want to be a person who always smiles. Thank you.