FLC English Speech Contest 2008
Contestant: H.Suenaga
Meaningful Days
 We Should all have dream and do our best. Life without dreams is not pleasant at all.

 When I was asked "What's your dream?" I often answered, "Nothing in particular." To tell the truth, I have an aim in my life. It is to contribute to society someday and to have a sense of contribution. In other words, I want to feel that I'm a member of society. It may not be possible to achieve. But the process 0f achieving my goal will give me happiness and encouragement.

 My experience of studying abroad inspired me to think that way. I went to Canada when I was a junior high school student. After I came back to my country, I noticed bad things about Japan. When I arrived at Tokyo Station, I found the atmosphere depressing. Everything there looked unpleasant and lacking in activeness. People working in the station and office workers walking around with their briefcases, were unsmiling. When I came back home, I noticed the front page headlines of newspaper were full of bad news.

 In my opinion, we Japanese often don't do what we want to do, but we do what we are forced to do. In Canada, I met a man who was jogging because he wanted to be healthy. I met a girl who wanted to know about Japan and she asked me about Japanese life style. She said, "I would like to visit Hiroshima." How about Japanese People? Are they living to realize their dreams? Just like those Canadians, I would like to lead a life full of dreams and curiosity about the world around me. How about you?